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Everything in a nut-shell

Efficiency presents Kurzgesagt, an all new event.
It' s a German word for "in a nutshell" and also a popular youtube channel with the same name, where topics covering eons will be explained in a nutshell. This event works the same way. This might be the most vivid event of the symposium.
Event Format
The participants are required to choose a subject (for instance, Fluid Mechanics or Automobile) and then present it within few minutes.
The presentation can be of any format, such as a simple talk or it can be poster presentation, you can even show a set of photos explaining the concept or make and run a video, you are even allowed to sing about the concept. For clarity try watching this video.
Judging Criteria
Points will be based on
The vastness of the subject (bigger the subject, higher the points)
The method of presentation
Explanation (the amount of concept covered in the explanation)
Haaris +919245456553
The Winners are !!!
*to be announced soon
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